Chemistry is the ultimate app for solving chemical equations and understanding the Periodic Table.
With this app, you can:
+ Discover chemical reactions, even if you don't know the left or right part of the equation.
+ Solve equations for chemistry and organic chemistry, view the results in both usual and ionic forms.
+ Learn more about chemical elements with our interactive Periodic Table. Search for elements by name or symbol, and tap to access detailed information.
+ Use our molar mass calculator to find the molar masses and percentages of elements in any chemical compound.
+ Understand solubility with our handy solubility table and acid strength chart.
+ Improve your memory with our fun widgets that show information about chemical elements on your desktop.
+ Use different types of periodic table and customize coloring
All these tables and charts are available in the free Chemistry app:
+ Periodic table - customizable and interactive
+ Atoms in Augmented Reality
+ Chemical reactions search
+ Solubility table
+ Molar mass calculator
+ Electronegativity of elements
+ Molecular weights of organic substances
+ Reactivity series
+ Acid strengths chart
+ Acids, anions, salts list
+ Standard electrode potential
+ Standard reduction potentials at 25 °C
+ Widgets to easily remember the periodic table and chemical elements
With Chemistry, you'll have everything you need to excel in chemistry, whether you're a student or a professional. The interactive approach of the app is more effective than traditional methods, and it's perfect for understanding the periodic table of elements, solving chemical equations and understanding the structure and behaviour of atoms and molecules. Our app makes it easy to understand and use, it is available for iPhone and iPad. Download it now and see for yourself how it can help you succeed in your studies or work.
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